Design Styles Handoff Document

A brand styles handoff document I produced to explain the Figma design system and show designers how to find and use design assets.

Design Styles Handoff

Intent Based Flow

Intent based flow used to show the journey of 3 scenarios which users may wish to accomplish whilst using the product.

Intent Based Flow

Mind Mapping

A mind maping session from a recent meeting with a remote team to plan an idea for a new product for a waste recycling business. Presenting the session in a visual format, and using the kipling method to ask further questions made it easier for ideas to flow.

Mind Mapping Exercise

UX Design Books

As a self taught UX designer, reading has been a huge part of my learning process. These are the 10 books that I think have had the biggest impact, both on the way I work, and my overall understanding of the design process.

UX Design Books

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